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Klinika Uzdrowiskowa „Pod Tężniami” im Jana Pawła II, Spółdzielnia Usług Medycznych

Klinika Uzdrowiskowa „Pod Tężniami” im Jana Pawła II, Spółdzielnia Usług Medycznych
Kujawe i Pomorze

0048 54 416 70 00

ul. Warzelniana 7


Klinika Uzdrowiskowa „Pod Tężniami” im. Jana Pawła II [The Spa Clinic] is located close to brine graduation towers and a beautiful park that guarantee an excellent atmosphere for prophylactics, treatment, rehabilitation as well as repose and regeneration. The facility houses air-conditioned elegant and spacious restaurant rooms, including a general and special diet rooms. The hotel restaurant serves delicious dishes and takes care of their copiousness and carefully selected products. The menu is dominated by the Polish cuisine dishes that are prepared in accordance with traditional recipes and delicious cakes and desserts are prepared in the hotel patisserie in accordance with home recipes.


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