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Dedicated too and devoted in the development of food and tourism products on local, national and international scale. 

He loves traveling and cooking, and above all the connections that these two worlds create. 

He supports culinary trails as a tool to preserve and promote local culinary culture. He co-created culinary tourism routes in several Polish regions (Pomorskie, Podlaskie, Mazury Zachodnie) and cities (Gdańsk, Gdynia, Poznań).  

He promotes quality cuisine through the implementation of events and promotional campaigns. His original project was the Night of Restaurant event, which took place in restaurants throughout Poland. 

He is active in the World Food Travel Association (WFTA) the biggest platform of experts developing tourism on the fundaments of culinary cultures. From 2021 he is ambassador of WFTA to Poland. 

Favorite dishes: Potato plantain – a typical Podlasie casserole made of ground potatoes, fried bream from Lake Gardno with young potatoes, dill and sauerkraut; strawberry cocktail on country curdled milk.
Favorite products: buckwheat honey, elderberry lemonade, 
Favorite quotes: The discovery of a new dish brings more happiness to humanity than the discovery of a new star. Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin 
What is not first in the senses can not be later in the mind. Maria Montessori. 
"Life can only be lived in two ways: either as if nothing were a miracle, or as if everything were a miracle." Albert Einstein 
Favorite book about cooking: Gastrophysics. Charles Spence 
Favorite books: Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Man in Search of Meaning. Viktor E. Frankl.
Favorite music: Jazz,
Hobbies: Jogging & tennis

Hubert Gonera

Culinary Heritage Ambassador

Local and culinary patriot. Originator and creator of numerous projects and organizations nurturing with great sensitivity the culinary heritage of ancestors and aiming at the profit of future generations e.g. the National Festival of Pâtés and Dishes from the Goose Ostrzeszów, Rumpuć Rokietnica-Poznań, the only in Poland Avenue of Stars of Culinary Art in Ostrzeszów, the Culinaria pro Patria program, Local Action Groups within the framework of the EU strategy. Initiator of the restoration of goose to Polish tables.  

Co-creator of numerous television programs, organizer of trainings, educational campaigns, including for young people. With his experience he encourages chefs, food producers and farmers.

Witold Wróbel supports regional producers on the way to enter on the list of Traditional Products of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Honored with numerous medals and distinctions, he is particularly close to two: the prestigious "Key to the Polish Pantry" awarded by the Polish Chamber of Regional and Local Products and the medal from his native Ostrzeszów "For Merit for the City and Commune of Ostrzeszów", the medal named after Count A. Szembeck.

Favorite dishes : bambrzok (tipical potato dish from Wielkopolska region) , roasted goose stuffed

Regional soups : broth, blacken, parzybroda, rumpuć 

Favorite products: products from small local factories: label, sausage, vanilla and chocolate ice cream

Favorite quote: "We borrowed the land only for a moment from our heirs" "You can become a cook, but a man is born a pâté" By Anthelme Brillat-Savarin and a quote of his own authorship "Gourmetism is not reserved for rich people, gourmetism is intended for wise people." 

Favorite cookbook: N.M. Kelby "White Truffles" – should be a must-read for gourmets,
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin "Physiology of taste", Charles Spence "Gastrophysics", Stanisław Czerniecki
"Compendium Ferculorum"
Favorite book : Umberto Eco "The Name of the Rose", "Cemetery in Prague", "Secrets of Italian Cuisine"
Peter Mayle "French Lessons"

Favorite music: Kitaro, Ennio Morricone, Stout Peasants

Witold Wróbel

Culinary Heritage Ambassador

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